privacy policy

Japan Ecotourism Society (JES) Privacy policy

We set up the following privacy policy in order for the benefit of all user of our website. We pay maximum attention to the protection of personal information.

1. Utilisation and scraping a part of personal information

We may ask occasionally the personal information (name, e-mail address, home address, tel number etc) of member or the users of our website. Collected information will be treated under strict control and a part may be scraped for the purpose of further repletion of contents and services, or statistics to know current utilisation status.

We may send an e-mail to the registered addresses only when we have an information for the benefit of the members or specific reasons to contact. Also we may send a letter if we had a prior permission from the member.

We have a policy “not to collect needless information”. There would probably be a case to ask further detail of individuals. The case might be that we introduce a new system with a strict identification control, or that we conduct a particular survey with the acceptance by members. While when we would like to conduct a rather usual survey or ask your post to our message board, we would ask your age or year of birth for the purpose to understand utilisation factor or to let the browsers to deduce the writer’ s background. We won’ t ask exact date of birth. Our policy to ask personal information will be to collect only minimum needed, after our examination of its necessity along with our aim.

2. Disclosure and share the information

We never merchandise or lend any personal information to the third party unless some particular case bellow we may disclose or share the information.

We may disclose or share the members’ personal information to a contracted business partner who will contact members on behalf of us for the purpose to inform our services. The partner will comply our privacy policy and we only disclose the needed minimum information for the task.

At the emergency case that his/her life or property is in risk, and in case that we can not obtain his/her approval.
In case that we are required to disclose the information by public institutions like police or law court.
In case that we are required to disclose the information by other regulations.
In case that the member agreed to disclose the information.
In case that our web site has been attacked and intercepted by a vicious party.
In case of the event that Japan Ecotourism Society was handed over the third party or spanned off into more than one companies, the first condition will be the succession of the current privacy policy.

3. The third parties’ website linked with ours

Linked websites of the third party may have different privacy policy from ours. We have no obligation or liability against those websites. There could be a possibility to be utilised your information that is disclosed at our message board or else by the third party. Please pay a good attention when you indicate your personal information.

4. Revision of our privacy policy

We may alter a part of our privacy policy without prior notice. The notification will be indicated on our website. Please confirm the latest version each time. We may have no other way but taking no responsibility against your troubles occurred by the result of misreading or misunderstanding of the content.

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