Yakushima (Kagoshima pref) – Moss grown forest and huge trees.

The scene a river links of mountains, forests, village
and sea. Circulation of water and life.

Yakushima attracts people by the mysterious atmosphere generated, not only by the moss grown forest covering the ground and woods, but the view of many Japanese cedars aged more than 1000 years standing close each other.

a picture of moss grown forest

a picture of moss grown forest

An introduction of area

Yakushima island locates about 30th parallel north (around the north latitude of Cairo in Egypt and New Orleans in the US). It is 130km away south from Kagoshima city. It has 504.29? area and pentagonal shape. 90% is covered by forest and 21% is registered to UNESCO ‘s world natural heritage.

The island has been formed of risen granite occurred by submarine volcano about 15.5 million years ago. The highest peak is reached to 1936m that is also the highest among the Kyushu region. Its climate is greatly affected by the Japan Current. The current warmed near the equator breaks onto the south edge of Yakushima , and then it continues flowing into the Pacific ocean. The effect of both warm sea water and high mountain provide more rain. Washed granite formed beautiful gulch and spectacle rocks can be seen at summit area. The coast area is the north limit of coral shelf where can provide joy for the sight and for the taste.

Activities that you can challenge

There are many Ecotour menu. You can enjoy thoroughly its mountain, forest, river and sea in Yakushima.

Try this ! : a evergreen broadleaf forest in West ? subtropical area, the kingdom of wildlife

Yakushima island was given high reputation because of the existence of various floras at its registration of world heritage. The island has subtropical jungle like coast line, evergreen broadleaf forests, Japanese cedar forests, and Yakuzasa (Pseudosasa owatarii) zone which is usually grow naturally in cooler temperature zone than Yakushima. You can see various types of plants in the range of subtropical up to cool-temperature plants at compact area of the island. Since the subtropical forests along with coast are also living space for local residents, the forests have been dwindled to almost naught. However, the precious subtropical forest is preserved around Seibu Rindoh Western Forest Path.

What should draw our attention more are the giant Gajumaru Banyan and Akou (Ficus superba) trees. The low-lying forest where flourishes subtropical plants through the year should be the most comfortable forest for Yaku Macaque and Yaku-Shika deer. It is no where else but Yakushima that you can take a view of those wild animals in such close distance.

Another aspect of this region is exceptional migrant birds. Hoopoe and Red-billed Starling that are aspired by the bird-watchers visit Yakushima every season.

A magnificent prospect from “Tenbo Oiwa” (the view point huge rock) will teach you the majestic scale with “rounded” sea horizontal line of East China Sea.

a photo of Gajumaru Banyan or Akou (Ficus superba) trees, and Yaku Macaque.

a photo of Gajumaru Banyan or Akou (Ficus superba) trees, and Yaku Macaque.

Forest Walk

Yakusugi Land ~ Kobanayama Forest

In Yakusugi Land, beautiful moss green have covered the floor of the forest while Japanese cedars bristling with overwhelming force. It is the typical and beautiful scenery of Yakushima. Kobanayama forest where pure cedars run through is just like the forest that “Mononoke”(sprite) lives in.

Yakusugi Land

Yakusugi Land

A day trip mountain hike

For the summit of Kuromidake (1831m)

The highest peak of Kuromidake locates at the best view point to see the edge line of Yakushima. You can see most of Yakushima ‘s alpine flowers at Kuromidake. Alpine roses blossom out all over the slope in June. You will start the mountain hike from the native forest of Japanese cedars that is registered as a world heritage. You will reach the summit passing through the beautiful stream, high moor, and forest line.

Alpine rose

Alpine rose

For the summit of Tachuudake (1479m)

The “Tenchu ishi” (the heaven pillar rock) is the most attractive part of the mountain. It locates skyscrapingly at the summit and the height of the rock reaches 40m. While your trekking, it will, as if, come closer with divinely impression. From the highest peak you can enjoy the cityscape of Anbo and Tanegashima island in west. In east, you will enjoy beautiful view of oddly shaped rock, Iwamine-hanaoridake, Koubandake and Kuromidake in distance.

Tenchu ishi

Tenchu ishi

River Kayak (Anbogawa river)

Anbogawa river is the longest river in Yakushima. Crystal clear water flow the river even at the mouth. The reflected evergreen broadleaves on the surface is a speechless beauty especially the tender leaf season. Kayak is one of the options to enjoy the river. You can also enjoy snorkeling, bone fire meal in towhead, or just simply siesta.

Apart from those, there are other activities like “hiking along gulch” and “tube rafting”.

Kayak boarding

Kayak boarding

Ecotour fully enjoy the sea

The rich natural surrounding of Yakushima with various biofacies has been extended, even, into the sea.

The sea around Yakushima has won 3 years consecutive victories at “Photo du Poisson” – a global scale contest for the verification of types of fish. You can do “fish watching” not only by scuba diving but also by snorkeling. You may come across with a marine turtle who is on the way for scheduled egg laying.

You can select either “paddle snorkeling” or “sea kayak” as well.

a marine turtle

a marine turtle

Life and culture of the island

Yakushima has been developed with the sea since the ancient time. People reached the island via the sea and made numbers of small communities after their settlement. Right behind of sea shore is usually precipitous mountains and the soil is very rocky. Rice is merely cropped in the island unlike other part of Japan. While, due to the mild climate and bountiful water, the basic life style of the residents has been with the nature. “10 days from mountain”, “10 days from cultivation”, and “10 days from sea” refer how to gain daily needs. The first 10 days commodities are obtained by picking berries and bamboo shoots from mountain, next 10 days by firming vegetables from small filed, and next 10 days by catching fish and shell fish in the sea. They still maintain their tradition of “sharing” with neighbor whenever they had bountiful harvests. Admiring the ethos to share is more important within them rather than winning out against competitions.

Taking advantage of the natural bounty, local resident still has been catching flying fish or mackerel, and they still have been firming sweet potato, tea, turmeric, and citrus kinds. Some others have been producing minced fish or Surimi and other processed foods from fish. And others have been producing distilled spirit, turmeric supplement, green and black teas. There are people who extract aroma oil from cedars and camphor trees as well.

If you were not sure what to do for a half day, how about taking a walk around Miyanoura – the arrival port. You can enjoy the visit of “Kankyo Bunka mura center” (Environmental cultural village center), “Rekishi Minzoku Shiryoukan”(Historical Folklore museum), “Yayu Jinja “or “Kuhon ji” temple. Guided tour is available. Let ‘s visit “Kuhon ji” at 18:00. You may become one of the 6 tollers.

Tasty Food

The most popular dish is tempura of flying fish among inn. You should be satisfied with the well prepared and seasonal meals by “the chef”, usually the master ‘s wife. Do not forget matching those tasty dish with local sprit, “Shotyu”. It is a flinty sprit and you can enjoy with water, with ice rock, or simply straight.

Venison dish: Venison has been a prominent protein source for the resident of Yakushima. Pregnant mothers, especially, had it to uptake minerals. Now a lot of restaurant in the island serves tender and flavor condensed venison meat. Available menu should be roast venison, hamburger, spicy noodle soup, venison meat ball, spicy curry etc.

Tea : It is a pesticide-free production. The 1st harvest becomes green tea and the following becomes black tea which has softness taste and sweetness like flower ‘s aroma. It is a bitter less tea even the 2nd round left in tea pot for long.

A suggested plan

day 1 Ecotour around village. Visiting “Kankyo Bunka mura center”, “Rekishi Minzoku Siryoukan”, “Yakujinja”, and “Kuhon ji” and learning nature and culture of island.
day 2 Visiting “Yakusugi Land”. Giving a full day to enjoy the forest of Japan cedars.
day 3 Observing wild life of monkeys and deer around Seibu Rindoh Western Forest Path, the world heritage area.

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